bcnud - bcnu network server program |
bcnud - bcnu network server program
bcnud -s port | -e errorlevel | -a | -q | -g minutes | -d | -v hostname
bcnud is a network server daemon which accepts connections from a bcnu client on port 6666 by default.
It also acts as a scheduler for running of bcnu agents, a logging repository for data sent by clients and can also act as a simple static page web server.
bcnud accepts the following command line options:
The -s
option allows the bcnud server to listen to a port other than the default of 6666. a numeric port,
a service from /etc/services or BCNUHOME/etc/services can be used.
The -e
option tells the bcnud server to log all alerts greater this number as alerts. i.e. a bcnud.alert
file will be created in the BCNUHOME/flags directory
The -a
option tells the bcnud server to write a message to the log file BCNUHOME/logs/bcnu.log each time
an agent is run. This is off by default as it can generate a lot of output.
It can be toggled on/off by sending a USR1 signal to the bcnud server.
The -q
option tells the bcnud server to log all incoming hostnames in full. By default bcnud will log only the hostname i.e. only up to the first dot and the domain
name will be dropped.
The -g
option tells the bcnud server to schedule agents with gap minutes delay when initially loading the
agents file. This is to prevent all agents initially starting immediately
the server is started. The default gap is 1.
The -d
option switches on some debugging (not up to much yet!)
The -v
option switches on slightly more verbose output (not up to much yet!)
bcnud quits with an exit value of 1 if there is an error. The error string is
printed to stderr via perror(3).
A message is also logged using the syslog facility.
An exit value of 0 is returned on success.
bcnud tries to be safe when sending and getting files. It will check the filename which is specified using the -n option for names like :
These will be flagged up and the process aborted.
-a reload requests will only be processed from the host defined as the master.
BCNUHOME/etc/agents agent config file for scheduling
BCNUHOME/data/hosts/ logging area for agent info BCNUHOME/data/agents/ agent names logged here BCNUHOME/data/files/ files sent with no name specified BCNUHOME/data/yyyymmdd agent message data files
BCNUHOME/flags/bcnud.alert signifies an error has been received BCNUHOME/flags/host.ignore ignore errors for this host
BCNUHOME Set to a the bcnu home directory BCNUAGENT Set to the name of the running agent BCNUHOST Set to the hostname of the master system
John Phillips
Please send all bugs, comments, and changes to
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for more details.
Security is weak at the moment. bcnu is designed to be easy to use, it has not been tested for all vulnerabilities.
The bcnu home pages also have full documentation
Updated: 10th December 1999
bcnud - bcnu network server program |