bcnunet - bcnu network configuration file



bcnunet - bcnu network configuration file




bcnunet is the configuration file used by the net agent. The file contains details of host systems and services.

Various parameters can be set globally, per host or per service.

comments preceded by a hash (#) and blank lines are allowed.


A sample is shown here:

 # critical managed systems
 BCNUHOSTTYPE=3         # NT
 ntweb        http    ftp
 BCNUHOSTTYPE=1         # Unix
 unixweb      bcnu    http    ftp     smtp    telnet
 unixproxy    bcnu    smtp    squid=9=5=
 corp2+PAGE   bcnu    ftp     telnet  oracle=5
 # less important
 BCNUHOST=sysadmin1     # to log to a host other than the master
 oldgate      bcnu    ftp     telnet  squid=5=5=

The variables which are set are set from that point on to the end, unless thay are subsequently changed.

The variables are reasonably self explanatory but here goes:

RETRIES retry count

Number of times to retry connection to this host/service

SEVERITY error level

Level of alert to log if this host/service doesn't respond

RUNLIMIT concurrent checks

The net agent runs host checks in the background and will start 3 concurrent check by default, it can be changed here.

BCNUHOST host to log to rather than default

If you want some messages/alerts to be directed to a different host from the master, then specify it here.

BCNUHOSTTYPE type of host

Useful here as the net agent can talk to a lot of different types of hosts, values are:

        ANY        0
        UNIX       1
        NETWARE    2
        NT         3
        95         4
        ROUTER     20
        PRINTER    30

The format of the host lines is:

Normal hosts

        host=severity=retries service=severity=retries ....

severity and retries are optional, and override the defaults or any globals in effect. Multiple services can be specified on one line.

If only host checking is required, then only the host name is needed.

The +PAGE option can be used anywhere to generate pager alerts

Web hosts

        host=severity=retries http=severity=retries=/file.html ....

severity and retries are required, and override the defaults or any globals in effect. Multiple services can be specified on one line.

The +PAGE option can be used anywhere to generate pager alerts

squid proxy hosts

        host=severity=retries http=severity=retries=http://realhost/file.html ....

severity and retries are required, and override the defaults or any globals in effect. Multiple services can be specified on one line.

The +PAGE option can be used anywhere to generate pager alerts




John Phillips

Please send all bugs, comments, and changes to


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for more details.


Security is weak at the moment. bcnu is designed to be easy to use, it has not been tested for all vulnerabilities.


bcnud(1), bcnumsg(1), bcnu(1), agents(5), services(5), logpatterns(5), hostinfo(5), bcnunet(5)

The bcnu home pages also have full documentation

Updated: 19th November 1999


   bcnunet - bcnu network configuration file