hostinfo - bcnu alert configuration file |
hostinfo - bcnu alert configuration file
hostinfo is the configuration file used by the alert agent. Details of email addresses and pager numbers are made in this file. This file normally only needs to reside on the master host unless proxying of email or pager alerts is being used, in that case it should be also on the proxy host.
Aliases are allowed to save entering lots of email/pager addresses multiple times. They are replaced by simple variable substitution.
comments preceded by a hash (#) and blank lines are allowed.
A sample is shown here:
[default] DEFEMAIL="$techmail" DEFPAGER="$techpage" DEFWIN32="$techwin32" DEFMALERT="10" PAGEDAYS="Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri" MAILDAYS="Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri" # email or pager aliases can be defined [alias] techmail="you@yourdomain" # you by default techwin32="John_Phillips" # My pc techpage="12345678910" # Tech support pager desktop="12345678910 10987654321" # Desktop services ######################## Hosts and agents defined below here ################# # specific hosts are defined here DAYS vars used above can be defined here [host=it] HOSTPAGER="$desktop" INFO="CC mail Internet gateway" MALERT="5" # specific agents are defined here [agent=net-oracle] AGENTEMAIL="dba@mydomain" MAILDAYS="Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun" [end] # do not remove this line
There must be a default section and an end section.
The variables are self explanatory but here goes:
Email will be sent to this address in addition to any others specified per host or per agent.
Alerts will be queued for this ID until they run the bcnualert program, any alerts will then be sent.
Page will be sent to this number unless there are any others specified per host or per agent.
If an alert is received on a day other that those listed here, it will be defered until the first valid day and then sent.
If there are more than this number of alerts received for a host per day, the status of the host will be changed to ignored - i.e. all future alerts will be accepted but no emails/pages etc generated.
This can be used to override DEFMALERT for a specific host.
If there are more than this number of alerts received for a host per day, the status of the host will be changed to ignored - i.e. all future alerts will be accepted but no emails/pages etc generated.
John Phillips
Please send all bugs, comments, and changes to
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for more details.
Security is weak at the moment. bcnu is designed to be easy to use, it has not been tested for all vulnerabilities.
The bcnu home pages also have full documentation
Updated: 11th April 2000
hostinfo - bcnu alert configuration file |